Dearest Enemy 

Adapted from Shakespeare's Henry IV pt 1 and set in an imagined militaristic society, this film sees Carmen Grant and Jonelle Gunderson cast as King Henry IV and Prince Hal, respectively.  Director/Producer Alden Adair steps in as Harry Percy aka “Hotspur.”  The smooth, clean black lines of the titular royal family’s costumes serve to show a difference in stature and class from the rough, olive green fatigues of the revolutionary “Hotspur”, and suggest a militarism that is at once recognizable, yet unfamiliar. 

Directed by Alden Adair

Screenplay by Jonelle Gunderson, Carmen Grant, and Alden Adair

Adapted from William Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part 1

Director of Photography: Bob Gundu

Costume Design: Lindsay C. Walker

Jonelle Gunderson as Harriet

Carment Grant as Queen Henriette

Alden Adair as Henry “Hotspur” Percy