The Adventures of Sila
“The Adventures of Sila” was conceived as a Proof of Concept Short; providing suggestions of the overall concept while leaving some mystery to be explored through series or feature film. Set in the years surrounding WWII, we meet the titular character of “Sila”, managing the once vibrant family restaurant and caring for her “Uncle Max” has left her near the end of her rope. However, during a violent, after hours encounter in the restaurant, she discovers she can shift her reality into something called “The Chimera.” The nature of this other reality is never fully revealed, but the audience does learn that she is not alone in her ability to travel there.
Drawing from Dick Tracy, Otto Dix, Edward Hopper, and vintage photographs, “The Adventures of Sila” uses a blend of period costume, colour, and silhouette to create a separation between the mundane and “The Chimera.”
Written and Directed by Jeffrey Brownell
Directors of Photography: Jason Vierra and Jeremy Benning C.S.C.
Production Design: David-William Martell
Costume Design: Lindsay C. Walker
Naya Guzman as Sila Guzman
Sean Connolly Affleck as Kid Tracy
Pedro Salvin Linha as Maximiliano Guzman
Olunike Adeliyi as Yaz Haiti
Cindy Sampson as Florence Fonesca
Matthew Gouveia as Dante Guzman
Jeremy Raymond as The Gentleman
Kostas Tourlentes as Young Man